Slewe Gallery is proud to announce the opening of the exhibition with new paintings by Dutch artist Jan Roeland (*1935). The exhibition will open Saturday November 13 and will last until December 18, 2010.
Jan Roeland has built up an oeuvre of paintings which moves between geometric abstraction and figuration. Recognisable simple motifs of everyday objects, such as hammers, toy-aeroplanes, plants and ducks give his formally built up abstract painting some sense of humor. His paintings are precisely constructed and built up with several layers of oil paint, in which color plays an important role. The relatively small formats of his canvases fit in the old Dutch tradition of Easel-painting .
Roeland lives and works in Amsterdam. After his study he started exhibiting in 1965 and since 1969 regularly at Galerie Espace. In 2001 he started showing at Slewe Gallery. His work has been collected by several museums, such as the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, Rijksmuseum Twenthe, Enschede, Stedelijk Museum Schiedam and Schunck in Heerlen. In 1997 a comprehensive catalog had been published ,overviewing more than 25 years of his work, with texts by Elly Stegeman, K. Schippers and Anna Tilroe, along a travelling exhibition of his work at the Beyerd in Breda, Stedelijk Museum Schiedam and Rijksmuseum Twenthe, Enschede. In 2007 another catalog has been published along a solo show at the Stadsgalerij Heerlen, with texts by Tijs Goldschmidt and Jan Andriesse. In 2010 he had an exhibition at the Hedge House in Wijlre, near Maastricht.
Slewe Gallery is pleased to announce the exhibition with new works by the Dutch artist Paul Drissen (*1963) from October 9 to November 6, 2010.
Drissen makes paintings with casein tempera on canvas. He uses elements from the modernist tradition in an almost nostalgic way. One of his latest series of works he called therefore Schöner Malen. Actually they look more like collages than classic paintings. From magazines cut out images of modernist icons are placed as an compositional element on the painting of found cotton cloth with a modern grid pattern. Traces of painted corrections, some broken lines and forms recall modernist painting as a nostalgic desire.
Drissen, born in 1963 in Oirsbeek (NL), lives and works in Maastricht. After his study at the Ateliers 63 in Haarlem he started exhibiting at Art & Project Gallery. He had museum solo shows at the Bonnefantenmuseum in Maastricht, the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag and at the Stadsgalerij Heerlen in 2004, on which occasion a catalog has been published entitled Melodernia. His work has been collected by sevetal private and public collecions such as the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag and Stadsgalerij Heerlen.
Slewe Gallery is pleased to announce the exhibition with new paintings and works on paper by British artist Ian Davenport (*1966). The exhibition will open Saturday September 4 and runs until October 2, 2010.
Davenport is one of the most important abstract painters of his generation in Britain, who are interested in the process of painting. Characteristic for his technique is pouring paint. He has been practising this method over the years, reaching a refined surface and image. Very thin lines and subtle colors are a result of the highly controlling hand and esthetic eye. Color becomes more and more the main subject in his work. His images derive from the act of pouring and range from arches, circles to lines. His last series of works are called Puddle Paintings or Puddle Etchings, of which some examples will be shown.
Ian Davenport lives and works in London. After his study at Goldsmiths’ College he had his first solo exhibiton at Waddington Galleries in 1990, where he still exhibits on a regular base. In 1991 he was nominated for the Turner Prize. In 2000 he had a solo exhibition at the Tate Liverpool and in 2004 an overview at the IKON Gallery in Birmingham. Since 2001 he shows regularly at Slewe Gallery.
Slew Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of the exhibition with new works by the Dutch artist Krijn de Koning (*1963). The exhibition will open Saturday May 22 and will run until June 19, 2010.
Krijn de Koning deals with the question how we experience architectural space. Most of the time Krijn de Koning creates site-specific work that questions the specific characteristics of a given location. More than spatial interventions these works are homogenous structures that can best be defined as sculpture, but also incorporate the qualities of painting and architecture. This exhibition will focus on some of his multiples and works on paper of the last 10 years.
De Koning studied at the Ateliers 63 in Haarlem (NL) and institut des Hautes Etudes en Art Plastiques in Paris. He participated in many international exhibitions, such as the Art Triennial of Beaufort in Oostende (BE) in 2009.
His work has been collected by several important private collections, such as the collection of Jean-Philippe & Françoise Billarant and public collections, such as the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen and Centraal Museum in the Netherlands and the FNAC and FRACs in France. In December 2007 he received the prestigious Dutch Sikkens Prize in Rotterdam, also received by Donald Judd and Jan Dibbets. On this occasion a catalog had been published, giving an overview of more than 10 years of work. In 2010 he made a huge installation at the Nieuwe kerk in Amsterdam and in 2011 at Musée des Beaux–Arts de Nantes, including a new catalog entitled Vides pour un patio. Since 1996 his work has been represented by Slewe Gallery.
Slewe Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of the exhibition with new drawings by the Dutch artist Frank Van den Broeck (*1950). The exhibition will open Saturday April 10 and will run until May 15, 2010.
Van den Broeck is a maker of drawings pur sang. He works very direct, fast and concentrated, producing mostly small refined drawings both black and white and colored with pencil, ink and crayon on paper. They appear intuitively and associative. Practicing through the years his method became more refined and layered. His work is about a controlled chance, focusing on formal elements such as rythm, tone and line. Though influenced by Surrealim and Symbolism, he developed his own style and method, creating onothodox associations and images. Associative titles refer to inspiration sources of other art disciplines such as literature, film, music and the every day life itself.
Van den Broeck, born in 1950 in Eindhoven (NL), lives and works in Amsterdam. He started his career exhibiting at the Living Room between 1981 and 1987. Through the years he had several major museum solo shows, such as at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam in 1984 and 1991, at Museum De Pont in Tilburg in 1994 and at the Bonnefantenmuseum in 1989 and in 2003, on which occasion a comprehensive catalog had been published The Heart has its Reasons, giving an overview of more than 20 years work, with texts by Lisette Pelsers and Dirk van Weelden. Since 1997 he exhibited regularly at Slewe Gallery.
Van 27 februari mei tot en met 3 april 2010 toont Slewe Gallery nieuw werk van Jeroen Henneman (*1942, NL).
In het recente werk heeft Henneman het beeld met een scherp mes in maagdelijk witte doeken gesneden. Er ontstaat hierdoor een visueel spel, een wisselwerking tussen het lineair perspectief en het doorsneden platte vlak. Met deze methodiek bereikt hij een grotere abstractie door de objectmatigheid van het beeld te versterken. Tegelijkertijd blijft zijn speelse, luchtige signatuur, waarvan hij bekend is, gehandhaafd.
Henneman verwierf sinds de jaren zestig bekendheid met objecten en tekeningen, die getuigden van een geamuseerde, licht surreële kijk op de dagelijkse werkelijkheid. In zijn grafisch weergegeven wereld van huiselijk interieurs en stadsgezichten spelen licht en donker een grote rol.
Vanaf het begin van zijn carrière exposeert Henneman regelmatig in binnen- en buitenland. Zijn werk is in verschillende museale en openbare collecties vertegenwoordigd. Daarnaast hield hij zich bezig met theater en televisie. Bekende opdrachten zijn De kus (1982) n Amsterdan Zuid-Oost, het Wiel op het Centraal Belastingkantoor in Amsterdam West en recentelijk De schreeuw, het monument voor Theo van Gogh,in het Oosterpark.
Vanaf zaterdag 16 januari t/m 20 februari is er bij Slewe nieuw werk te zien van drie abstracte schilders van eenzelfde generatie: Geeske Bijker, Peter Davis en Robbert-Jan Gijzen.
Geeske Bijker (*1971, NL) maakt schilderijen met acrylverf en caseïne op polyesterdoek, waarin patronen van scherpe vlakken en lijnen in felle kleuren het beeld bepalen. Bijker heeft haar opleiding gevolgd aan de Rietveld en woont en werkt op dit moment in Berlijn. Dit is haar tweede presentatie bij Slewe.
De Engelse schilder Peter Davis (*1972, GB), bekend van zijn glanzende lakverfschilderijen, toont een aantal recente werken. Zijn schildersgebaar met de wisser, waarmee hij de aangebrachte lakverf, wanneer het nog nat is, weer afneemt, laat een fijn geweven golvend patroon achter. Davis woont en werkt in Londen en exposeert sinds 1996 regelmatig bij Slewe.
Robbert-Jan Gijzen (*1974, Weert) gebruikt in zijn schilderijen teksten als beeldelement. Ze zijn verhuld opgenomen in het ritmische patroon van verfvlakken. De woorden zijn ontleend aan popsongs, die gaan over de rauwheid van het bestaan. Na een ‘zwarte’, een ‘gele’ en een rood/blauwe periode werkt hij de laatste tijd in verschillende grijstinten. Gijzen, in 1999 winnaar van de Koninklijke Subsidie, studeerde aan de Ateliers in Amsterdam, waarna hij regelmatig exposeerde bij Slewe. Hij woont en werkt in Maastricht.